Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My new maths group

Two days ago, I moved up in a maths group. WALT:Use multiplication or division to solve part unknown problems. In my previous group we were learning how many slices or pieces to shade in, here's an example of what we had to do: 1/4 of 24=?
Then we would make a block or pie and cut it up, depending on which number the denominator is. After we had to find which number to put in each block that will get to the whole number. Then you would add it up and see if it will get to twenty four and for this instance it would be six. As soon you as you got the answer you would circle or shade in the number that the numerator is, so we would shade in one. Then that's your answer, six so 1/4 of 24=6
I said "You can divide the denominator with the whole number and the number that you got, will be the number you put in the boxes. Then the teacher said I could go into Mrs Maguire group because that's what she was teaching. As soon as I moved over to Mrs Maguire's group someone, piggybacked on my theory from my (old) group, had picked up something from what I said. What they did is times the numerator with the answer that you got from dividing the whole number with the denominator, then timesing it with the numerator and that's where you get your answer from. When I moved over to Mrs Maguire's group, she gave us a follow up to do and there were forty questions then three word problems but the word problems were a fraction problem to.



  1. I like how you put in lot of pictures so we knew what you had done to get up into the next math group up but maybe next time you could say what activities you did in the pictures above
    and I like how you said a little bit about what it was like in the next group up
    her is a link to my blog its awesome check it out

  2. Sup Cisco, I love the writing. Maybe you could work on your punctuation from Sienna !!!!


Art Project

WALT:Send a message through any kind of art. This week and last week, we had to send a message using any kind of art and I chose photograph...