Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Narrative story

Hi my name is Jasper and I have been stuck in the forest for 4 months now but anyways let me tell you how I got stuck out here, it all started at a party. “Alright kids are you ready for a nerf war in our backyard” said my mum, everyone was so excited. So the battle began. It was me and my friend John, “let’s split up, I’ll go left you go right ok” I said, so we split up and that’s when I got nerves.

I started to get scared and I could feel a drip of sweat running down my face, then I noticed that I was lost. I panicked yelling out mum mum! But I didn’t get a answer. I tried to retrace my footsteps but then I could hear people screaming, so I ran and ran then called out “MUM MUM!” and I got back home. Then my mum was so happy to see me and asked “where have you been” and I said “I got lost while I was doing the nerf war” so we went inside and all I could hear is the kids having fun.

So I went to bed and looked outside then fell straight to sleep. I woke up the next morning and went to play outside in the forest but I didn’t go too far away so that I wouldn’t get lost again. After a few minutes I already heard a rustle in the bush.

I reached out to see what was inside the bush and BOOM! I just got  jumpscared by a rat. I looked round there was no sighting of my house or mum so I got nerves again, this time I was for sure lost I sat down and leaned against a log and started crying.

So I was crying for about round 2 minutes but I had to get cracking so I started of building a shelter because it was sunset. So I camped up against a rock hill in a stable cave, this is what I used to build my hut.
  1. Sticks and twigs
  2. Leafs for the roof
  3. Tall grass for the floor and blanket
  4. Rocks for decoration around the hut.
  5. Flax to tie the sticks together

I woke up and started collected rocks and sticks straight away.I thought to myself I must be world wide right now. My mum was on news and she was telling everyone around the world to get them to find me and the award was $10,000 if they found me. I found a good fat stick and sharpened it with a rock. Eventually I finished sharpening my stick and made a spear and went spearfishing.

It’s night time already I thought to myself I need to make a fire to cook my fish instead of eating it raw. “Mmm, mmm, mmm that was delicious” I said to myself, I went to the river and climbed to the top of the mount to see if I could spot my house. I did a 360 turn around and spotted my house but it was sunset so I went back to my shelter and rested. “Ahh, it’s the morning” I said so I wasted no time and set some rocks down so I can go back to my shelter and not get lost. After a few minutes I walked back and finnley made it back home and I was so happy to see my mum and then I took a nice warm shower and got dressed and had a milo and said to my mum “ I may have got some people lost trying to find me” then we stopped and laughed and laughed.

The end.

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