Thursday, June 16, 2016

The hangi

       The Hangi

Splish splosh splish splosh it was a revolting day and I forgot to bring gumboots so my shoes got destroyed. But it was finally time to help them make the hangi and be involved with it. My class came down the soaking hill, when they saw the hangi some of there faces were looking like OMG! What is that a gigantic beast guarding the kai.

When we all arrived to grab our food Hinia said a karakia to thank our kai and those involved in the hangi. Then my mouth went crazy for the food and started anticipation when I saw the kai. As soon as it was our turn I said in my mind every dig in I was that excited to eat.

Eventually when we got back to class we all started to eat and a few people didn’t like it but a few did. If I had to rate out of 100 it would be 100 out of 100% that is what I would rate. Also if I had to ask this question what food did you like and dislike? I would choose every single bit except the cabbage. But I enjoyed it like I enjoy living with my family and it was THE GREATEST DAY EVER!!!!!!.

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