Tuesday, November 4, 2014

One boy in minecraft

Once upon a time there was a boy called James.When he went for a walk,with his dog called Max he found a portel.He said to his dog "hey Max do you want to go through that portal?"  His dog barked ROOF!!! Ok so they went through the portel.When they went through the portel they were in minecraft.  James said "what is this place? It's a world full of blocks, wait what we're blocks too OH NO!!!!!!time to get working to get out of this place HURRY!!!!!."

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What do the workers do at Kelly tarlatan,s

 Make sure you are sleeping in the right place.Make sure you don,t kill the sea animals.Make sure you don,t feed them the wrong food.

Number 4 shoe warehouse

One day I went to a shoe warehouse and when I arrived every one had 4 of every fing.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The dragon story

Once there was Vikings that lived on a tiny island called Berk and there was people and dragons on Berk. We had to take them down but every one wanted to take down the night furry and no one did.One day I got the night furry and trained it.I decided to call him Tooth less and all of the people had a dragon.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The hoildays

In the holidays I went to the car show and it was so fun because I went on the bungy jump and I went on the top bus and it had a spa pool.When I went to ten pin bowling and in the first round  I was winning by 79 but dad beet me by 81.I also went to my cousin,s two times.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


On Saturday the 21st of June I went to the Warriors.When I was at the Warriors I went through the tunnel and hi-five the Warriors and it was assume watch the video down below to see for real. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, May 30, 2014

The battle of cats and dogs

 There was a dog called Nick and a cat called Mike,  when they say there name they start to fight. Then they have a rest then they start to fight again then they go home.The next day they got swords but they didn't die and then they became friends and never were mean to each other again.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cross country

Every year the teachers make us do cross country.I think cross country is good as.Cross country makes pepole  fite.Mabey pepole can be sick and cross country is really good.Or they mite be playing ded.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Leaves are falling because it is Autumm we don,t want our nature to fall.

Trees are good we get apples carrots and potatoes the easy way with out wasting your money.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Me and Keio

On Friday I went to Keio,s house.We played salute.Me and Keio beat his Mum and Dad.We went to bed in our sleeping bag,s.We went to bed at 9.30.I need to go to bed at 7.00 clock.When I got up I had pancakes.When I got home I whent surfing at piha.When I got home I got the amazing spider-man 2 and Keio has the amazing spider-man 1.There is a really really hard guy when he gets angry talaports and you got to try get him.

Monday, April 14, 2014


I like to surf.On sunday I went surfing and one wave made me jump in the air only a little bit.Some waves made me slide of my surf bored and I scratched my self but not a lot.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Laser strike

On the weekend I went to Willams birthday at laser strike. When Willams sister was shoting red base I came behind her and shot her in the back.

Art Project

WALT:Send a message through any kind of art. This week and last week, we had to send a message using any kind of art and I chose photograph...