Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Paper Cranes

This week is Peace week and today we learnt how to make Paper Cranes. Their was so much folding and folding. The reason we made Paper Cranes is because it has been thirty years nuclear free also we read a book called Sadako and she tried to make 1,000 Paper Cranes. I found making Paper Cranes really hard and I didn't manege to make a paper crane not even on my 3rd or 4th try. But I learnt that to never ever to give up and keep on trying and you will succeed.


  1. Nice job Cisco. That looks like a really good crane, I like how you drew eyes on it, you also did a good job on describing the reason why we made all those cranes. You are right the first few times it is really hard when I tried it. So if you didn't get it on the first couple of tries then that is showing great resilience. I think a way you could improve is by saying that the whole school was trying to make 1000 paper cranes or give a bit of back story about sadako, but apart from that an excellent short blog post that gets the story across quickly.
    here is the url for my blog: https://odsbyronjohnson.blogspot.co.nz/

  2. I liked how you explained how hard you found it. When I tried to make a paper crane I found it hard and I couldn't make one on my 5 th or 6ht try but I had success it felt good. Next time you could tell us how many tries it took to make a crane and did you find it easier to make it with your teacher or watching a video.


  3. Hi Cisco i liked how said a sentence about peace week for the hook. I like how you said to never give up and named the book. Maybe next you could post the process of making a paper crane but really good job Cisco. Here is my blog link.

  4. nice job cisco. that looks like a really good paper crane. I like how you explained it really well and said that you tried and tried again it made me laugh. I really like the way that you never gave up. maybe next time you could tell more detail about the story.

  5. I like your cran cisco I like how you drew the eyes and it is really well made.
    Visit my blog at http://odsmarleyk.blogspot.co.nz/ just copy and paste that to see my blog.

  6. Cisco I liked how you did a small sentence and you managed to fit in a lot of describing words. Next time I reckon you could do a bit of a better hook at the start but anyway well done, this is my blog. https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=3735760411111003943#basicsettings

  7. Hi cisco I love how you said that you never gave up That' really inspiring to some people
    So I love that you said that. Maybe you can check out my blog https://odsrileym1.blogspot.co.nz/ thanks Riley


Art Project

WALT:Send a message through any kind of art. This week and last week, we had to send a message using any kind of art and I chose photograph...